Worship in person and online

Worship in person
Sunday Morning Services

9:00 AM – Barclay Building (located down the hill from to the main church building)

This service offers high-energy praise and worship music.

11:15 AM – Sanctuary, Main Building

This traditional service offers inspirational worship music led by the organ and piano and is often enhanced by the Chancel Choir, Bell Choir and soloists.

*During worship, small groups are available for babies through 5 year olds’ (Pre-K) – Children’s Wing (2nd floor) of the Main Building.

Praise packs are available at the Sanctuary and Barclay entrances to help engage young children during worship.

10:15 AM – Sunday School Classes

Adults: No need to sign up. Click here for information on our current class offerings.

Grades: 6 to 12: Youth Rooms, Main Building

Babies through 5th Grade: Children’s Wing; Check-in – 2nd floor, Main Building

Worship online

Each week, during this time of transition, the 9:00 worship service will be livestreamed on our YouTube page. This will allow for those who are not able to gather with us to continue to participate. We do not want anyone to feel pressured to return at this time if you feel uncomfortable doing so or if you have a compromised immune system or are at high risk.


Join us every Sunday morning at 9:00 am for our livestream service via YouTube. Click here to go to our YouTube page to view the livestream.

If you missed the livestream or would like to watch an older sermon, click here to view all available services.

You will find the attendance card below the livestream information on this page. We ask that you fill it out to help us see who is joining us. Below the attendance card is a place where you can give electronically. We hope that you respond to the call to worship, sing during the songs, and read your Bibles during the reading. We have also provided an archive of the other livestreams and online services below.

Online Attendance & Giving

Online Attendance

Because we are in this season of scatteredness, we want to be as connected as we can be with our congregation. You can add multiple people to a single card by clicking "add another who is here."
Verify Your Attendance

Online Giving

Out of recognition of all the God has given you we invite you to give back to him. You can send your response to: Hebron Church, 10460 Frankstown Rd. Pittsburgh, PA, 15235, or give electronically below.
Give Online
Current Sermon Series

Developing a Christian Worldview

Why do people see things so differently sometimes? Why are the same facts understood in different ways? Often, there are underlying “worldview” differences. A worldview is a description of the general operating principles by which one lives one’s life. They are like the set of glasses you wear which colors the way in which you see the world. Like your beliefs, your worldview is the overarching paradigm through which you evaluate the world, your life, and your experiences. For many of us, our worldview lies deep in the background. The set of presuppositions or assumptions which consciously and unconsciously impact the way we make decisions, the way we judge events around us, the way we evaluate our experiences, are largely unexplored. What is foundational is all too often unexamined. But, what we want is to see the world as the LORD directs us. We want our worldview to become more and more like His own. In worship these coming weeks, we will be exploring how we can develop a biblical, Christian worldview. Join us!

See Past Sermons