Inspiring An Everyday Faith
Take steps to grow
Serve and make a difference

6th - 8th Grade
These years move fast. This is the phase where changes move even faster. Most of what a student thinks about faith is shaped in these short years. The biggest question that we cover with this group is based around Identity and helping them discover who it is God has made them to be.
Big Question: Who am I?

9th - 12th Grade
If you thought the Middle School Years moved fast…High School moves past in a blink. Milestones like car keys and Prom take over. Independence is like a whirlwind. While they are still working out their Identity some larger questions become center stage.
Big Questions: Who will I be? & What matters to me?

Partnering in the Journey
We believe that the best way to raise up this next generation is in partnership with those who have the greatest potential impact on students lives. In these increasing difficult times, you need to know that we have your back too. You also have questions that you will engage with over the rest of their lives. It doesn’t end when they get the cap and gown.
Big Questions: How do I relate to them, now?