Growth Groups

In addition to Sunday morning worship, Hebron offers Growth Group. Growth Groups are an opportunity for people to meet with others in a relaxed setting that are made up of 6 to 12 people. These groups are a place where we can study the Bible, grow in faith, encourage one another to grow in our love and knowledge of God, share joys and concerns and see how God transforms us through the study of the Bible and through the shared life of others.


Sunday Morning— “Flourishing – Lessons from the Olive Tree”
Together, we are going to discover the beauty, grace, strength and importance of the olive tree and its relevance in our lives. We are called to thrive and flourish in every season of life, to be resilient, strong and able to endure. These are all qualities we’ll discover in our study of the olive tree.

  •  10:20 AM to 11:10 AM, Barclay Classroom
  •  Leaders: Mary Jo Bernazolli, Tina Sparano

2nd Monday of the month—Esther Circle— “None Like Him”
This study will help you become a “God Fearing Woman” as you study the attributes that belong only to God. When we lose sight of His majesty, we begin to give awe and reverence to ourselves, things or others. Not only is it unwise to give worship to someone else or ourselves, that is the very definition of foolishness. Join us once a month as we learn, fellowship and care for one another.

  • 7:30 PM to 8:30 PM, Parlor, Main Building
  • Leaders: Carol Riser, Sarah Shorthouse

Tuesday Afternoon Coffee— “Living in the DAZE of Deception”
Living in the Daze of Deception is a book by Jack Hibbs that will help us discern truth from cultural lies. Jesus warned us that deception would grow worse and worse, so He told us to “Watch out that no one deceives you.” We are in a spiritual battle, so join us as we shine the light of Scripture on cultural lies in dark places and stand firm in our faith.

  • 1:00 to 2:30 PM, Barclay Building
  • Leaders: MarJean Miller, Audrey Terebessy, Lucy Siracusa

Tuesday Evening— “Forgiven Rebels”—Books of I & II Peter
Do you have trials in your life as a believer? Peter endured much persecution, so he has earned the right to speak about this issue. These life experiences gave him a unique perspective on how to navigate the trials and challenges of being a Christian! Those challenges seem to be increasing for us today! As we study these books, we will learn how to be strong, focus on God’s Word and His promises and act on what He calls us to do!

  • 7:00 to 8:30 PM – Krogh Home, Penn Hills
  • Leaders: Margie Krogh, Chris Weaver

Thursday Morning Women’s Bible Study—Book of I Samuel
Join us as we study Israel’s transformation from a tribal community ruled by judges to a monarchy. God’s providential guidance, sovereign will and power will be on display. This is an exciting period filled with well-loved biblical characters and their stories.

  • 9:15 AM to 11:00 AM, Barclay Classroom
  • Leaders: Shirley Dubeau, Pam Smith, Boots Mulock


Sunday Morning— “Survey of Early Church History—100-600 A.D.”
Join us to watch and discuss Dr. W. Robert Godfrey’s teaching series “A Survey of Church History—Part 1 A.D. 100-600.” The history of the church is a testament of God’s steadfastness over the centuries. Through this 12-session series, we hope to see why a working knowledge of church history is relevant for our lives today and for the church as a whole.

  • 9:00 AM to 10:00 AM, Parlor, Main Building
  • Leaders: Hodge and Loretta Worsham

Sunday Morning— “Faith— A Deeper Dive”
What is faith? Why do we need it? What are its components? How do we get it? What are the implications of faith in God? How do we strengthen our faith? How do we live it out? We will use scripture and the Westminster Standards as our main resources as we dive into this critical topic for all Christians.

  • 9:00 AM to 10:00 AM, Fellowship Hall, Main Building
  • Leaders: Dan Brown, Dave Mulock

Sunday Evening— “You Are a Theologian”
We will gather to discuss Jen Wilkin and J.T. English’s book: You Are a Theologian. Together we will learn to see ourselves and everyone else as a theologian. We will also grow in our knowledge and love of God through theology, by studying and discussing the basic essentials of the faith.

  • 7:30 PM to 9:00 PM, Conaway home, Plum
  • Leaders: Keith and Jen Balkey, Brendan and Tara Conaway

Tuesday evening— “Course of Your Life”
The Course of Your Life aims to revolutionize people’s understanding of who God is, what He has done in Christ, what His extraordinary plans are for the world and how that relates to each of our lives. It is a biblical framework to help people gain a new joy and enthusiasm for serving Christ as a disciple making disciples through prayer and God’s word.

  • · 6:30 PM to 8:30 PM, Zeilstra home, Penn Hills
  • · We will share a meal together. 
  • · Leaders: Jerry Zeilstra, Katrina Dunderdale

Tuesday evening— “Taco Tuesday”— Sermon on the Mount
Let’s eat and study together. We will connect and build community together as we study the Sermon on the Mount. This Sermon consists of Matthew 5-7, which features the teaching of Jesus on a variety of subjects pertaining to the Christian life, discipleship and life in the kingdom of God. Come learn with us as we apply this teaching to our everyday lives.

  • 6:30 PM to 8:00 PM, Knapp home, Penn Hills
  • Every other week, for folks in their 20’s-30’s

Tuesday evening— “Launch”
Come to a group where we explore who Jesus is, who we were created to be and how we can walk in our purpose.

  • · 7:00 PM to 8:30 PM, Conference room, Main Building
  • · Starts October 1 and meets through November 19 (8 weeks)
  • · Leader: Dan Bender

Tuesday Evening— “Waiting Here for You” Advent study
If we are honest, we all hate waiting. But perhaps our posture needs to be reflected upon this Advent season. May we join together to wait well.

  • 7:00 PM to 8:30 PM, Conference room, Main Building
  • Starts November 26 and meets through December 17
  • Leader: Dan Bender

Wednesday evening— “Cline Bible Study”—The Fundamentals of Acts
Work, family, friends, politics, faith…who has any energy left? We understand! Drop off the kids at the Nursery and KidVenture and join us for a low-key evening where we explore the fundamentals of Acts.

  • · 6:30 PM to 8:00 PM, Conference room, Main Building
  • · Leaders: Ty and Jess Cline


Sunday morning— “Encountering Jesus”
We will revisit selected life-changing encounters with Jesus in the New Testament, hoping to discover more about the big questions of life for ourselves and to share with others. God’s Grace in the person and work of Christ is what transforms a life of self-reliance and autonomy from God to one of dependence on God and submission to His will.

  • 10:20 AM to 11:10 AM, Barclay Classroom
  • Leaders: Dan Gallagher

Tuesday evening— “Proverbs: Wisdom in God’s Word”
John Calvin wrote that true and sound wisdom consists of two parts: the knowledge of God and of ourselves. Join us as we seek the Lord’s wisdom in His word for our lives and walk with Him in Proverbs (and other selected texts.)

  • 7:00 PM to 8:30 PM, Barclay Classroom
  • Leaders: Frank Cafaro, Bill Kear

Wednesday morning— “You Will Be My Witnesses to the End of the Earth”—Acts 6-28
Join us as we study the Book of Acts and how the truth of God’s Word and the power of the Holy Spirit ignites ‘the Way.’ The Lord called the early followers, and us today, to an active faith.

  • 6:30 AM to 8:00 AM, Barclay Classroom
  • Leader: Bill Kear

Friday evening— “Postmillennialism– The Hopeful Fulfillment of the Great Commission”
Postmillennialism is an optimistic view of the future, and how the world will end. Postmillennials believe that the great commission – make disciples of all nations – is actually going to be fulfilled; that the nations will overwhelmingly turn to Jesus before He returns. We will discuss how this offers a hopeful Christian worldview and also the challenges this brings to believers as we try to live as Christ called us to.

  • 8:00 PM, Barclay Classroom
  • Leaders: Eric Gumkowski