Adult Sunday Growth Groups

Winter/Spring 2025 term starts February 9.

Class: “Church History: The Middle Ages to the Renaissance”
Time: 9:00 AM
Location: Parlor, Main Building
Teacher: Hodge and Loretta Worsham
Description: This growth group is a continuation of the fall series on early church history (not necessary to have attended in the fall). We will look at the church from the beginning of the Middle Ages, through the Crusades, the evolution of papal authority, and to the Renaissance. As modern-day Christians, it is important to understand the history of our faith. Co-Ed

Class: “Living the Life”
Location: Barclay Classroom
Teacher: Dan Gallagher and Bruce Krogh
Description: Join us as we explore what A.W. Tozer has to say about awakening from spiritual slumber in his book, The Dangers of a Shallow Faith. Challenging and convicting, Tozer seeks to ignite and rekindle a deeper walk with Jesus. In Christ we are God’s handiwork to do His will. It’s imperative. This class is from 2/9 to 5/18 (14 weeks), with no class on Easter (April 20.) Men

Class: “In the Footsteps of the Savior”
Location: Barclay Classroom
Teacher: Mary Jo Bernazolli and Linda Casteel
Description: In this video Bible Study, we will journey with Max Lucado through Capernaum, Galilee, Bethany, Jerusalem and more. Max will weave together insights from his own travels to Israel. He will guide us to walk where Jesus walked and ponder the promises he made. This video Bible Study will provide you an encounter with the life altering Holy One as you follow in the footsteps of the Savior.